How to find the needle in the haystack?

Don’t lose the needle!

With new legal regulations, new era of personal data management is commencing.

New Data Protection Regulations in effect in most of the countries give individuals the right to request a copy of any of their personal data which are being ‘processed’ by ‘controllers’ and other relevant parties. These requests are often referred to as ‘data subject rights requests (DSAR)’, or ‘access requests’ (SRR).

The research suggests that creating a DSAR report takes an average of 12 to 14 days if conducted by conventional eDiscovery and Data Classification methods. Besides the cost for each repost is about €1.400- €1.600.

After a data subject access request, many companies face remarkable challenges to meet the demands of the individuals. The process if manually executed is very similar to seeking a needle in the haystack. The best way of finding the needle is never losing it. With GovernID companies can collect compliant collection of data which includes extensive classification. GovernID integrates where personal data collection takes places in the first place. Enables companies to standardise compliant data collection from individuals without disturbing existing business applications.. In GovernID integrated systems, creation of DSAR Report items takes place simultaneously with data collection and is always ready to serve.

GovernIDs “PointZero Privacy” enables companies

  • Automated responses to requests about personal data processed.
  • Self Service privacy centre for data subjects.
  • Builds digital trust and transparency with customers and employees.
  • Reduces privacy risks and increases company reputation in the market.

Approach from GovernID is a unique method to provide related personal data processing reports to individuals instantly, saving time and money comparing conventional DSAR reports.

In order to meet the ever-evolving privacy standards, it is no longer sufficient to merely comply with legislation and amendments. You’re only a mouse click away from working with our GovernID partners to develop a comprehensive privacy strategy tailored to your company’s unique goals and objectives. BEGIN RIGHT NOW

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